Monday, September 6, 2010


This posting is to show my viewpoint on the incident related to the teacher from Numans college. At the time of this posting, he has been removed from the college and his students and teachers have already performed strike to take him back.

I am a college tutor and also a businessman. I would like to see this issue in a couple of perspectives and I just cannot find justice in any of the actions of the teacher himself.

A teacher, is aperson who ensures the spirits of his students are always kept alive. Presently, education systems worldwide, doesnt even allow punishments or any such discriminations, even at elementary level. How on earth, can then a tutor justify himself in placing such provocative texts? and that too, he ensured that all his students should read it over and over again, so that they had to add on quotations and symbols to it.
From different media, it is understood that one of his students, changed te names of God and mohammed to big brother and younger brother. Didnot he, an experienced teacher have even the insight of that student?
Or, why did he give that students marks, had his words no intentions of discrimination?

At times, a teachers words, while teaching a subject or while putting an exam, do move ahead from the intended level and does cross over the limit, where students gets a false idea of the intention of the tutor. I teach business in the undergraduate level and during my internal assessment papers I too slip into post graduate levels of the paper. my practical based questions do move across cultures.

But when I do that, or when I find that the mistake is visible; I am not hesitant to take it back. A teacher cannot or should not behaved so irresponsibly. even if he had no intentions, he should have been graceful enough to say his words might have hurt others and though unintentional, I do apologize. But, his arrogant nature towards that issue, does instigate some catalysts in increasing the support of the idiotic clan which thought "Hand For God" is the ideal way to react.

Regarding the action of cutting his hand, I can only say that they are in a state of mind, where they only can understand. And usually others call them mad. me too. I dont know their inspiration, whether is it from the film "for the people" or from any other hollywood flick; but I am definite the funding is from an agency that is interested in breaking the communal harmony. I do hope our police machinery keeps up the good work and bring the culprits into justice without much delay.

I salute the action taken by the management. You should not give the message to the community you live in, that you are not vigilant enough to keep the harmony of the society. He might be the best tutor in the college, but as the old proverb says പൊന്ന്‍ കായ്ക്കുന്ന കൊമ്പ് ആന്നെങ്കിലും പുരയ്ക്ക് ചാഞ്ഞാല്‍ കൊത്തണം. They have proved that they \ have no intentions to hide away or protect the tutor .